Lets celebrate and exercise!!![]() Summer is here! Is time to get out and participate in this super fun healthy family triathlon at Dufferin Grove Park .
Kids and Family Friendly Triathlon Obstocal Course ***PLUS*** Lots of Free Prizes, Food, Live Music & Dance, Kids Arts Mural, Face painters, Vendors and more Is time to get out and participate in this super fun triathlon you will love it!! will be food, music, zumba, healthy breakfast, tons of freebees and more. ***THIS EVENT IS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY*** ******EVERYONE IS A CHAMPION****** FREE YUMMY BREAKFAST!! REBOZOS RESTAURANT WILL SERVE BREAKFAST!! DANZA AZTECA GRUPO Ollin Tonatiuh ![]() ATHLETES SURPRISE PRESENTATION TBA ! Also: Arts and crafts for kids, interactive art by collective live walls, food vendors, and more!!
WHEN; August 2 2015
TIME 9:00 to 4 pm Where: Dufferin Grove Park The Triathlon Fun Course! - 100 meters run - 30 meters rubber tire obstacle course - Skill Testing Questions about the City of Toronto - Bouncy Castle Kids obstacle course -Then the final 10 meters run and win!! Categories: babys also count!! from Children 6 years to 8 children 8 to 12 kids 13 to 15 adults adults 60 to 70 or more DON'T MISS IT !!! OUR SPONSORS