LUZIA one of the best presentation of Cirque Du Soleil 2016 Toronto
España tiene representación en el Circo del Sol
No te pierdas de esta entrevista con Antón Valen y Nico Baixas actores Españoles quienes hacen parte del elenco del Circo del Show en su trigésima quinta creación, Kurios | Cabinete of Curiosidades
Las Perlas se deslumbró durante el Show de Kurios, Gabinete de Curiosidades
Jueves, Agosto 28, 2014
Kurios inició su gira el pasado 26 de abril en Montreal y desde el día jueves 28 de Agosto ha invadido de curiosidad a los torontonianos quienes han llenado en casi 100% la capacidad de la Carpa Azul y Amarilla que caracteriza al Circo del Sol quien este año cumple 30 años de existencia; tres décadas donde 35 producciones han cautivado a millones de audiencias alrededor del mundo. Las Perlas del Mar compartió con Yannick Spierkel, Director de la Compañía y quien a lo largo de 19 años ha vivido muchos de los shows en tour del Circo del Sol co-fundado por Guy Laliberté.
Kurios, una producción escrita y dirigida por Michel Laprise que te lleva a un reino misterioso donde el tiempo, el espacio y la realidad desafían a nuestros sentidos y nos invitan a descubrir las curiosidades escondidas en este gabinete. Déjate deslumbrar con éste espectáculo único que ha sido considerado uno de los mejores shows del Circo de los últimos tiempos.
Las Perlas del Mar Tuvo la oportunidad de asistir el pasado miércoles al ensayo con vestuario donde fue la magia y la atmósfera circense la que invadió de felicidad los corazones de la audiencia quien sin dudarlo se paró para ovacionar sin parar la presentación de los más de 30 artistas en escena quienes no dejan de impresionar al público por su profesionalismo, carisma, habilidades y espíritu de aventura.
En esta nueva producción del Circo del Sol tenemos a 3 hispanos quienes dejan en alto a nuestra comunidad, ellos son Nico y un alocado científico (Españoles) y un Aventurero aviador (Colombiano) quienes demuestran una vez más que en nuestra comunidad el talento se percibe a por doquier.
No te pierdas de Kurios, Gabinete de Curiosidades, creación del Circo del Sol desde ahora hasta el próximo 26 de Octubre en 51 Commissioner Street.
Kurios, una producción escrita y dirigida por Michel Laprise que te lleva a un reino misterioso donde el tiempo, el espacio y la realidad desafían a nuestros sentidos y nos invitan a descubrir las curiosidades escondidas en este gabinete. Déjate deslumbrar con éste espectáculo único que ha sido considerado uno de los mejores shows del Circo de los últimos tiempos.
Las Perlas del Mar Tuvo la oportunidad de asistir el pasado miércoles al ensayo con vestuario donde fue la magia y la atmósfera circense la que invadió de felicidad los corazones de la audiencia quien sin dudarlo se paró para ovacionar sin parar la presentación de los más de 30 artistas en escena quienes no dejan de impresionar al público por su profesionalismo, carisma, habilidades y espíritu de aventura.
En esta nueva producción del Circo del Sol tenemos a 3 hispanos quienes dejan en alto a nuestra comunidad, ellos son Nico y un alocado científico (Españoles) y un Aventurero aviador (Colombiano) quienes demuestran una vez más que en nuestra comunidad el talento se percibe a por doquier.
No te pierdas de Kurios, Gabinete de Curiosidades, creación del Circo del Sol desde ahora hasta el próximo 26 de Octubre en 51 Commissioner Street.
Kurios | Raising the Top |
Some Facts About the Big Top |
Kurios | Cabinet of Curiosities is in Town! |
Raising of the Big Top | Cirque du Soleil Touring Show -Kurios
Pictures by Carlos Bolivar
KURIOS - Cabinet of Curiosities from Cirque du Soleil
Torontonians are lining up to enter KURIOS – Cabinet of curiosities™. Due to an overwhelming public demand and strong reviews, Cirque du Soleil announced today that 9 additional October performances will be added to the limited engagement of their new production, KURIOS – Cabinet of curiosities™, written and directed by Michel Laprise and presented by Desjardins, at Toronto’s Port Lands, extending its Toronto run until October 26, 2014.
Opening on Aug. 28, the show makes for the perfect end of summer – or back-to-school – family outing. Tickets can be purchased at The additional shows go on sale to the public on July 25.
KURIOS – Cabinet of curiosities™ premiered in Montreal on April 24, and Quebec City on July 24, and the Big Top opens at Toronto's Port Lands on August 28, 2014. Reviewers have praised the show’s unique performances, including an innovative invisible circus clown act and a daring aerial bicyclist that defies the laws of physics.
The show
In an alternate yet familiar past, in a place where wonders abound for those who trust their imagination, a Seeker discovers that in order to glimpse the marvels that lie just below the surface, we must first learn to close our eyes.
In his larger-than-life curio cabinet, the Seeker is convinced that there exists a hidden, invisible world – a place where the craziest ideas and the grandest dreams lie waiting. A collection of otherworldly characters suddenly steps into his makeshift mechanical world. When the outlandish, benevolent characters turn his world upside down with a touch of poetry and humor in an attempt to ignite the Seeker’s imagination, his curios jump to life one by one before his very eyes.
What if by engaging our imagination and opening our minds we could unlock the door to a world of wonders?
Michel Laprise
Michel Laprise worked in theatre for nine years as an actor, director and artistic director before joining Cirque du Soleil in 2000. At Cirque du Soleil, Michel spent five years as a talent scout before taking on, in 2006, the role of Special Events Designer. In that capacity, he directed the act with Quebec diva Diane Dufresne during the Opening Ceremonies of the Montreal 2006 Outgames; the large-scale performance event created for the launch of the Fiat Bravo in Italy (2007); the Cirque du Soleil performance event celebrating Quebec City’s 400th anniversary (2008); the launch of Microsoft’s Kinect console at the 2010 Electronic Entertainment Expo, broadcast on MTV; the opening show at the Eurovision Song Contest held in Russia in 2009; and the Opening Ceremonies of the 2010 FIBA International Basketball Federation World Championships in Istanbul. In 2012, Michel collaborated with pop star Madonna, providing artistic direction for her performance at the Super Bowl XLVI halftime show; he later went on to direct her MDNA tour. In 2013, he directed the musical Robin des Bois – Ne renoncez jamais, currently on tour in Europe.
Opening on Aug. 28, the show makes for the perfect end of summer – or back-to-school – family outing. Tickets can be purchased at The additional shows go on sale to the public on July 25.
KURIOS – Cabinet of curiosities™ premiered in Montreal on April 24, and Quebec City on July 24, and the Big Top opens at Toronto's Port Lands on August 28, 2014. Reviewers have praised the show’s unique performances, including an innovative invisible circus clown act and a daring aerial bicyclist that defies the laws of physics.
The show
In an alternate yet familiar past, in a place where wonders abound for those who trust their imagination, a Seeker discovers that in order to glimpse the marvels that lie just below the surface, we must first learn to close our eyes.
In his larger-than-life curio cabinet, the Seeker is convinced that there exists a hidden, invisible world – a place where the craziest ideas and the grandest dreams lie waiting. A collection of otherworldly characters suddenly steps into his makeshift mechanical world. When the outlandish, benevolent characters turn his world upside down with a touch of poetry and humor in an attempt to ignite the Seeker’s imagination, his curios jump to life one by one before his very eyes.
What if by engaging our imagination and opening our minds we could unlock the door to a world of wonders?
Michel Laprise
Michel Laprise worked in theatre for nine years as an actor, director and artistic director before joining Cirque du Soleil in 2000. At Cirque du Soleil, Michel spent five years as a talent scout before taking on, in 2006, the role of Special Events Designer. In that capacity, he directed the act with Quebec diva Diane Dufresne during the Opening Ceremonies of the Montreal 2006 Outgames; the large-scale performance event created for the launch of the Fiat Bravo in Italy (2007); the Cirque du Soleil performance event celebrating Quebec City’s 400th anniversary (2008); the launch of Microsoft’s Kinect console at the 2010 Electronic Entertainment Expo, broadcast on MTV; the opening show at the Eurovision Song Contest held in Russia in 2009; and the Opening Ceremonies of the 2010 FIBA International Basketball Federation World Championships in Istanbul. In 2012, Michel collaborated with pop star Madonna, providing artistic direction for her performance at the Super Bowl XLVI halftime show; he later went on to direct her MDNA tour. In 2013, he directed the musical Robin des Bois – Ne renoncez jamais, currently on tour in Europe.